



  1. 当社は、個人情報を適切に取得します。
  2. 当社は、利用目的を事前にお知らせし、その範囲内で個人情報を取り扱います。
  3. 当社は、取得した個人情報を安全に管理するために必要、かつ適切な措置を講じます。
  4. 当社は、所定の場合を除き、個人情報を第三者に提供、または開示しません。
  5. 当社は、ご本人様から個人情報の照会・訂正・利用停止・消去等について担当窓口にご連絡いただいた場合は、適切に対応します。


  1. 個人情報取り扱いお事業者名および個人情報保護管理者

    個人情報保護管理者:ファーストリテイリンググループ情報セキュリティ統括責任者(Chief Security Officer/CSO)

  2. 個人情報の利用目的

    (1) お客様(ウェブサイトやアプリのご利用者を含みます)に関する個人情報について

    (2) 株主様に関する個人情報について

    (3) 採用・募集活動応募者様に関する個人情報について

    (4) 従業員に関する個人情報について

    (5) 当社の運営するウェブサイト・アプリにおいて、情報の投稿・応募をする方に関する個人情報について


  3. 個人情報の第三者への提供
    (1) 当社は、次の場合を除き、個人情報を第三者に提供することはありません。


    (2) 当社は、親会社である株式会社ファーストリテイリング、その国内外の子会社・関連会社、およびユニクロ運営会社(以下、「FRグループ各社」といいます。)と一体となり事業を行っています。

  4. 取得・利用する情報について




  5. 個人情報の安全管理措置

    (1) 組織的安全管理措置:

    (2) 人的安全管理措置:

    (3) 物理的安全管理措置:

    (4) 技術的安全管理措置:


  6. 個人情報の利用目的の通知、個人情報の開示・訂正・利用停止・消去等のお問い合わせ先
  7. その他



Privacy Policy

We at UNIQLO CO., LTD. (collectively, “the Company”) understand the importance of Personal Information (“Personal Information” includes information that can identify an individual, such as name, address or phone number, as well as other information that, combined with other information, can be used to identify an individual). We endeavor to protect Personal Information through our compliance with the Japan Act on the Protection of Personal Information and our Privacy Policy, and by appropriately managing the Personal Information of our customers, shareholders, employees and applicants for potential employment or recruitment activities (“Applicants”) at the Company.

  1. We will collect Personal Information in an appropriate manner;
  2. We will inform you in advance regarding the purpose of use for your Personal Information, and use such information within the scope of such purpose;
  3. We will take necessary and appropriate measures to safely manage Personal Information;
  4. Except where otherwise specified, we will not share or disclose Personal Information to any third parties;
  5. We will respond appropriately in the event that an individual contacts the appropriate point of contact regarding display, correction, deletion and/or termination of use of their respective Personal Information.
[Matters disclosed under the Japan Act on the Protection of Personal Information]

We are required to disclose the following information pursuant to the Japan Act on the Protection of Personal Information:

  1. Name of business operator handling Personal Information, and manager responsible for the protection of Personal Information
    Business Operator: UNIQLO CO., LTD.
    Manager Responsible for the Protection of Personal Information: Chief Security Officer (CSO)
  2. Purpose of use for Personal Information

    We use Personal Information provided to us by individuals for only the following purposes:

    (1) Personal Information of our customers (including users of our websites and apps)
    ・Responding to, confirming and archiving inquiries, consultations, repairs and other support;
    ・Providing information regarding products, services, and campaigns via invitation letters, e-mail or other means;
    ・Settling payments, shipping products, and other matters relating to contractual obligations between us and our customers;
    ・Improving customer service in stores, product development and improvement of other services;
    ・Improving our digital services (websites, apps, etc.), products/services, marketing, and customer experience.
    ・Providing services safely to customers. This includes detecting, investigating, and notifying users who may be violating the Terms of Use, and otherwise preventing and responding to misuses of the services; such as fraudulent acts and unauthorized access.

    (2) Personal Information of our shareholders
    ・Exercise of rights and/or performance of obligations under the Companies Act of Japan; and
    ・Management relating to our stockholders, such as preparation of records pursuant to various laws and orders

    (3) Personal Information of Applicants
    ・Contacting and/or providing information to Applicants, and other uses necessary for employment and recruiting activities.

    (4) Personal Information of our Employees
    ・Communicating with our employees for work or other purposes;
    ・Paying compensation (such as salary, bonus and allowances) to our employees, conducting human resource and labor management, and providing employment benefits; and
    ・Managing the health of our employees.

    (5) Personal Information of those persons who post/submit Personal Information on our website or apps
    ・Use of works posted/submitted on our website or apps in advertisements for the Company or its affiliates.

    *All rights of publicity, copyrights and other intellectual property rights in such posted/submitted works shall be attributed to the user who posted/submitted such works; provided, however, that upon posting/submitting such works, the user shall be deemed to have granted the Company a global, royalty-free and non-exclusive license (with right of sublicense to third parties) to use (including, without limitation, reproduce, publicize, send, distribute, assign, loan, translate and adapt) such works, and such user agrees that he or she shall not assert any moral rights in such works.

  3. Provision of Personal Information to third parties

    (1) We will not provide Personal Information to any third parties except in the following cases:

    ・In the event you have agreed to the provision of your Personal Information;
    ・In the event it is necessary for the preservation of life, body or property, and the relevant consent(s) cannot be easily obtained;
    ・In the event the handling of Personal Information has been entrusted in whole or in part to a third party within the scope necessary to fulfill the purposes of use;
    ・In the event that Personal Information is provided in connection with the succession of business due to merger or other reason; and
    ・Where required by applicable laws or regulations.

    (2) We conduct our operations together with our parent company; FAST RETAILING CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries, and franchisees (each, an "FR Group Company").
    Therefore, all Personal Information obtained by us from our customers, shareholders, employees and Applicants may be used by us jointly with other FR Group Companies, within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use stated in Clause 2 of “Matters disclosed under the Japan Act on the Protection of Personal Information“.
    In these situations, Fast Retailing Co., Ltd. will bear responsibility for the management of any shared use of Personal Information.

  4. Information collected/used
    In addition to the purpose of use described in Section 2.1 above, in order to provide you with the following services and otherwise improve our services to you, we will also collect and use customer attribute information, which by itself is not Personal Information, including but is not limited to, age, gender, height, weight, appearance data, and residence area, Cookies*, IP address, site browsing/action history (in our web sites and stores), location information measured by apps software and your device and application software/connection information, and other information which may be collected via conventional internet technologies (collectively, “Informative Data”). We may link your registered user data with Informative Data, but in this case, we will handle such Informative Data as Personal Information.

    ・To improve services in our customer center and stores
    ・To analyze customer interests, and improve our products and services
    ・To send advertisements and marketing information, display our website and app contents, and to conduct retargeting
    ・To offer products, services, and styling that a customer may be interested in via web sites, apps, and e-mail
    ・To measure and understand the effectiveness of information provided to customers
    ・To restrict e-mails and other disseminations in accordance with customer preferences

    *What are Cookies?
    "Cookies" are a technology used on computers (storage devices) and application software to record and manage information about customers visiting web pages.
    Some of our web pages use Cookies in order to allow our customers to browse our web pages more conveniently.
    In the event that you choose to block the use of Cookies by changing the Cookie settings on your web browser, some or all services (such as product purchase) may become unavailable.
    Additionally, in order to optimize our web pages, Cookies will also be used to examine usage by our customers but cannot be used to identify an individual.
    For the purpose of distributing advertisements, we may obtain and use behavior information from cookies issued by contractors. Details of cookies from contractors and the information obtained will be handled in accordance with the applicable contractor’s privacy policy. If you wish to invalidate advertisement deliveries via the cookies of contractors, please invalidate them from the site of the relevant company below:

  5. Personal Information Management and Protections
    We have implemented the following measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosures, loss, modifications and to manager Personal Information safely.

    (1) Organizational safety measures
    Appointment of an individual responsible for the handling of Personal Information
    Creation of regulations regarding the handling of Personal Information
    Identification of the employees handling and manner in which Personal Information is being handled
    Creation of procedures relating to the reporting of situations in which there is a concern that unauthorized access or disclosure has occurred, and subsequent action

    (2) Individual safety measures
    Creation of confidentiality regulations regarding the handling of Personal Information
    Training of employees and executes regarding the handling of Personal Information

    (3) Physical safety measures
    Tracking entry/exit information into areas in which Personal Information is handled
    Creating protections to prevent the theft or loss of electronic or document records of Personal Information

    (4) Technological safety measures
    Creating access restrictions to Personal Information, and management of authority required to access Personal Information
    Creating measures designed to prevent unauthorized access into information systems using Personal Information, and protect against malevolent software

    In addition, to prevent the unauthorized disclosure, loss, or modification of Personal Information, when subcontracting the handling of Personal Information, we shall only select subcontractors who have implemented appropriate safeguards, and shall include provisions in all relevant contracts relating to the appropriate management of Personal Information, non-disclosure, conditions for sub-contracting, and other terms relating to the handling of Personal Information. In addition, we shall make sure to understand how subcontractors handle Personal Information, and manage them appropriately. In addition, when a subcontractor is located outside of Japan, we shall understand the relevant laws and regulations, and safely manage Personal Information in an appropriate manner.

  6. Inquiries regarding disclosure of Personal Information used, purpose of use, correction, deletion and/or termination of use of Personal Information

    Upon receipt of a request for disclosure of Personal Information used, purpose of use, correction, deletion and/or termination of use of Personal Information, we will promptly respond to such requests after confirming, in accordance with our prescribed procedures, that the person making the request is the owner of the applicable Personal Information. If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or if you wish to exercise your rights, please contact the contact point on our website.

  7. Others
    In order to incorporate any changes in its procedures for protecting Personal Information and/or comply with applicable laws and regulations, we may revise or update this Policy without prior notice.

Best Regards,



  1. 本公司以妥善的方式获取个人信息。
  2. 本公司事先明确告知使用目的,并在此范围内使用个人信息。
  3. 本公司采取必要且适当的措施来安全管理获得的个人信息。
  4. 本公司除特定的情况外,不会将个人信息提供或公开给第三方。
  5. 本公司在接到您本人向咨询窗口提出个人信息的确认、修正、停止使用、删除等相关要求时,将予以合理的对应。


  1. 个人信息使用单位名及个人信息管理者
    个人信息管理者:迅销集团信息安全统括责任人(Chief Security Officer/CSO)
  2. 个人信息的使用目的







  3. 个人信息向第三方的提供
    (1) 本公司,除开以下情况,不将个人信息向第三方提供。

    (2) 本公司与母公司株式会社迅销及其国内外的子公司和关联企业、以及优衣库运营公司(以下简称“FR集团企业”)作为一个整体来开展事业。
    因此,对于本公司从顾客,股东,录用・招募活动的应聘人士及职员处获得的所有个人信息,在达成“基于个人信息保护的相关法律的公示事项”2中规定的使用目的所必须的范围内,可能与FR集团企业进行共同使用。 此时,关于共同使用的个人信息,由株式会社迅销(https://www.fastretailing.com/jp/about/company/)负责进行管理。

  4. 关于获取、利用信息


    ※“Cookie”是指将访问网站的访客信息在电脑(存储装置) 及软件上进行登记管理的技术。

  5. 个人信息的安全管理措施和保护

    (1) 组织方面的安全管理措施

    (2) 人员方面的安全管理措施

    (3) 物理方面的安全管理措施

    (4) 技术方面的安全管理措施


  6. 个人信息使用目的的告知、个人信息的提供、修改、停止使用及删除等的咨询方式
  7. 其他





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